Welcome to the Iowa Literacy Council

Juan GarciaDear Iowa Literacy Council Members and Friends,

On behalf of the board of directors I am delighted to welcome you to our homepage.

We are looking forward to a productive partnership with all of you involved in adult education in Iowa and more.

We know a strong partnership with you leads to more adults achieving literacy levels to help them continue their upward mobility in life, a move that impacts the entire family!

As partners, the Iowa Literacy Council shares the responsibility for student success and want you to know that we will do our very best to partner, support and be your voice not only in Iowa but nationally.

Please consider becoming a member of the Council, the benefits of membership expand to COABE (Coalition on Adult Basic Education) including updates, new resources and professional development, see more information on our membership page.

THANK YOU for everything you and your teams do for adult education and success in our state, I am very proud to work with you and being part of our volunteer board of directors, know that your work is changing lives and families every day!

I look forward to seeing you at the Summer Conference!

Juan M. Garcia
Iowa Literacy Council
President – Board of Directors

Become a Member! 

The Iowa Literacy Council invites you to become a member of the Iowa Literacy Council.  Learn more by visiting our membership page.

The Role of Adult Education

Did you know that there are 36 million adults that can not read or write at the fourth grade level?  Low skill levels are a fundamental barrier to every major challenge facing the United States.   This video is a wonderful resource to show the role and impact of Adult Education.